Checking in with the Full Wolf Moon

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Here we go, full moon is here, full wolf moon, first full moon of 2024. It’s a good time to check in with the seeds of intention that you, planted at the beginning of the year. For me it was new beginnings, to move forward without forgetting the past but letting go in a way that makes space for new adventures.

Check in with how you’re feeling. Has anything changed? Do you feel the same? Where might you be able to let go of, even more, to give yourself more space? Move forward at your own pace, it’s not a race and there’s no judgement involved here, only increasing love for yourself in this present moment. But use this time to check in and adjust where you feel like you need to right now. Water the seeds you planted, shower them with love, encourage them to grow tall and root strong.

Let’s breathe.

Spring into Action

Spring is just a few days around the corner! Can you feel it? Lets celebrate the brighter days to come! 

Spring is a huge seasonal change where energy is shifting from yin to yang as we are waking up from winter hibernation. Here in the Northeast, the bees, the bears, and our human selves, who have been dormant for a few months are beginning to feel a wiggle in the fingers and toes.

It’s time to take action. The seeds have already been planted, how will you nourish them to establish their roots and reach towards the sky? 

Tonight’s class will ease the transition into spring by using the breathe to get the body moving and to activate your prana, your energy source. Attention on building strength and stamina will support you in the this growing season.

Peace, Love, Light,

Grateful for Positive Vibes

Happy 311 Day! 311 is one of my favorite bands because their music inspires a positive attitude and always leaves me feeling good. I am thankful for their music that often reminds me to fill any negative space with gratitude and positive vibes! Yoga can do this too, and we’ll explore positivity in our practice tonight!

  • When I’m feeling stressed, I’m reminded that “Stress is the Enemy, and Not a Friend to Me
  • When I’m unsure and feeling unsteady, I’m reminded to “Groove as your Soul Sings
  • When I’m feeling scattered brained, I’m reminded to “Keep my feet on the Ground, Keep my head in the Clouds
  • When I’m feeling all mixed up and don’t know what to do, I’m reminded “You’ve Got to Trust Your Instinct and Let Go of Regret. You’ve Got to Bet on Yourself Now Star. ‘Cause That’s Your Best Bet

311’s music always guides me back on track to an uplifting frame of mind whether it’s “Fuck the Bullshit, It’s Time To Throw Down” or “Stay Positive and Love Your Life”. Here are a few more words from 311 that may help to find positive inspiration:

Why does this matter? How does it relate to yoga? Today we celebrate all things positive and remember that where your mind goes is where energy flows.

  “In your face, and it feels so good”  

Class tonight will promote a more positive state of mind and a lot of feel good energy, to guide you through a strong and balanced yoga flow.
Optional props are:

  • 2 rolls of paper towel or 2 yoga blocks if you have them
  • a belt or a scarf or yoga strap if you have it
  • comfy seat, a cushion or pillow or blanket, whatever works for you 

“Let’s leave us on a note of positivity”

“Welcome to this groove, you can move right. We gonna take you higher”   

Peace, Love, Light,

Who’s got your back?

Hey there Yogi’s!
With a weak back, the body falls apart…but I’ve got your back 😉  

 🙂 The back body is super important…in fact it’s one of the most important parts of human anatomy, and often neglected. The Spine is supported by Lower and Upper back muscles which give power and function to the body. It’s also part of the central nervous system….stress anyone?! Practicing yoga may help to strengthen the back which can then minimize stress, soothe back pain, improve posture, and overall well being. Let’s work towards maintaining a healthy back body! 

Hope to flow with you in class tonight!

Peace, Love, Light,

Quieting, Refining, Awakening – waxing gibbous moon :)

Quieting the mind while refining and awakening the body….
Sometimes our minds can get overwhelmed with chatter. Sometimes that chatter can get so loud and amped that it slows us down, makes it difficult for us to reach completion or distracts us so much that we mis-read a situation. Our bodies can get stuck too! Quieting, Refining, Awakening is my mantra for the week, moving towards the feeling of unstuck.

We will tap into the energies of the moon tonight, since the waxing gibbous phase @ 96% illumination is a good time to refine and be mindful of the things we have already put into action.

Through refinement in our yoga practice, quieting the mind, stimulating the body, integrating breath and movement, we may be able to find clarity and keep things moving forward.

Hope to see you in class tonight!

Peace, Love, Light,


Learning to Unlearn

Happy Thursday Yogi’s! 

It seems that the more wise someone gets, the more they realize that they know “nothing“. An anonymous 92 year old human (among several others like Maya Angelou) may have something to teach us:

“I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn”

Even wise non-humans like Yoda share advice:

 In yoga, we practice to explore and understand the union of the mind, body, spirit. Learning that there’s always more to learn. Adapting to the constant flux in the cycle of life. One day you may find that yourself in need of more energy, another you may need to push less and relax. The practice may also guide us to unlearn habits and ways of thinking that no longer serve us, in turn making space to learn new habits and ways of thinking that better serve us.

But don’t get it twisted, no one is saying this type of growth is easy, it is called a practice for a reason. Join me for tonight’s class @7:00pm if you’d like to explore what it means in your yoga practice to learn to unlearn. 

Peace, Love, Light,

Remember to Shower Yourself w/ Love too!

Whattup Yogi’s! Happy Valentine’s day! Happy Friendship Day! Happy Sunday! Sending you all tons of love :::::::HUGS:::::::

We all know the age old saying that goes something like……you can’t love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first, right?! Today is a great day to remember to show yourself some love too! Buddha says it nicely:

Tonight’s Restorative Slow Flow yoga class will assist you with making space to explore self love, self compassion and self acceptance….keeping up with letting go of those barriers we keep holding on to that inhibit us; the flip side is sending love, compassion, and acceptance to your core being. The result of this is more love, respect, and healing in the world, towards others, all beings, the Earth and the Universe (Mercury Retrograde anyone)…

“As our own heart is opened and healed it naturally seeks the healing of all it touches” – Jack Kornfield

“Whaaaat! Dara! You lost me!” If all this seems too heavy, fear not! A slow flow with chest openers, back bends, expansion of the breath with pranayama and plenty of restorative time to melt your body in to your pillows will be included 😉

Hope to see you later! XOXO

Peace, Love, Light,


Loving to Let Go

Happy Thursday Yogi’s!

Loving to Let Go is my mantra for this week. In exploring what Love and Heart-opening “means” to me, I feel like it’s all about letting go, mind, body and spirit of course. 

Letting go of what you no longer need, to make space for more love, compassion, trust and connection towards yourself, friends, family and all beings:)

Rumi says: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”

Come explore this idea in your yoga practice:) We’ll move through chest and shoulder openers while keeping that breath flowing to work towards softening and releasing any barriers you want to take down. 

Peace, Love, Light,


Positive Vibes All Around

Happy Superbowl Sunday Yogis!

Positive Vibes All Around! From Friends and Family Sharing to Mother Nature’s Gift of Snow.

Even if you aren’t outdoors enjoying the snow or going to be watching the game or the half time this evening, it’s a nice opportunity to tap into all that positive energy being put out in the universe!

No yoga class tonight. Hope to see you on Thursday!

Stay Curious:)

Peace, Love, Light,
